After there was a girl. Her heart was wild. It fluttered and wandered it wanted a lot more. It wanted almost everything.

Complete of enjoy and curiosity, some days she’d wake up with no notion of where either would take her. What story would unfold that day? Who could know? What could be a lot more fascinating?

She moved across the world largely unseen. Some days day her toes would be in the ocean and other folks they would stand high above the edge a valley, Earth spilling out below.

The song that carried her along changed from day to day like the colour of her eyes. When the girl was unsure and didn’t know how to move forward, other sort hearts would lend their song to pull her along. Go on, wild small heart. Keep going, they’d say. We’re here to carry you.

And every single day, she was grateful.

This post is component of a 29 posts in 29 days blogging challenge hosted by Kathy at Today’s writing prompt: A Story You Enjoy To Tell